How i can update my hestia?

hi team,

My hestia version is 1.1.1, i thinking autoupdate is not working automatically.

Hestia is normally updated during the night. By default around 04:10 LT / Server time

You could also run the command

apt update && apt install --reinstall hestia

After run apt update && apt install --reinstall hestia i got this message.

Fetched 8,323 kB in 20s (416 kB/s)
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
287 packages can be upgraded. Run ‘apt list --upgradable’ to see them.
W: Failed to fetch Temporary failure resolving ‘
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

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           | |_| |/ _ \/ __| __| |/ _` | |   | |_) |
           |  _  |  __/\__ \ |_| | (_| | |___|  __/
           |_| |_|\___||___/\__|_|\__,_|\____|_|

              Hestia Control Panel Software Update
                        Version: 1.1.1



Default configuration files and templates may be modified or replaced
during the upgrade process. You may restore these files from:

This process may take a few minutes, please wait…

You got a dns issue on your server:

The repository is working properly.

what i need to do my server provider is Germany server

I’m sorry, but we cant help to fix local issues which are not related to hestia itself. Basicly nslookup should return a ip from cloudflare, if it doesnt, you need to verify why your dns isnt working properly. You could also use dig, if nslookup isnt installed in your system.

look working now updating my hestia now let see the result.


my hestia was updates, i am try to add Rusia ip list on my hestia and got this

that is very strange after Run dig
it start to downloading the list

probably related to the same dns problem? if your VM can’t resolve the IP (like from the url you give there, a download obviously will fail.
maybe you already have some blocking-lists installed and these prevent from either proper ns-resolution or accessing these sites.

I recommend checking your settings in that regard and especially trying to simply curl/wget the URLs you want to use - something seems off with your general settings, not hestia related though.

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are you eventually using some additional dns-related services like powerdns or other stuff that might cache dns-request or handle them locally instead of properly forwarding them?

no i dont use any other dns service.

then try changing the default dns-servers your VM uses, maybe that’s some old entries from contabo and not reliable enough… no idea, your system, your reponsibility :wink: :wink:


I am not expert on linux, can you tell me how to change the dns server?

I’m sorry, but as already written, this not related to hestia.