How many cores and how much ram will hestia utilize

I am running hestia on a power edge R740, 40 cores and 128 gigs of ram its a host on ESXi 8.0.3. I’m just wondering what hestia will actually utilize what I can give it for the best performance.

It depends on the number of websites and website usage…

Hestia it self doesn’t require anything special

12 websites… One is a corporate website I’m actually not sure how many how much usage just trying to give it as much as I can. Yeah I don’t care about minimum requirements I’m talking about how much would utilize if I give it 20 cores and 30 gigs of ram whatever. Again the question is how much will hestia utilize what’s the ceiling?

I’ve never been about minimums I have a 10 gig fiber network… etc… My TZ 670 does 10gb up and 10gb down. Obviously I can’t get that much speed on internet. I’m just saying everything on my end is as much as I can give it so I’m just trying to give the web server as much as I can give it.

Again I wouldn’t even ask the question if it was about minimums that’s a given.

Dont think there is a ceiling, it comes down to your individual usage and your server, database and php configuration. Not all websites are built equal. 2 identical machines can host 100 websites and 1 can outperform the other if optimized well.

Depending on the traffic you don’t need that much I have a server with 30 clients on it and it only has 6 cores and 16 gb of ram but only uses about 4 gb …

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