How the Admin user will change when updating to version 1.9

Hello everyone, I would like to understand how the Admin user will change when updating Hestia from 1.8.12 to 1.9. In version 1.8 the admin is used, in 1.9 you are prompted to enter a username, For example bXiT28kJc&T2, but what will happen when updating? Thank you

  1. We have moved the “hestia” admin permissions from the current admin user here you login to to a new “user” called hestiaweb
    We run “hestia-*” packages under the new hestiaweb user.
  2. The newly “myrandomuser” account will replace the current admin account
  3. For existing users only the first change will be made. The current admin user wil remain in plance


  1. To remove sudo permissions from the “admin” user who doesn’t need it. If you allow exec or any other _exec functions websites running under the current admin user can run v- commands as root with the admin user
  2. A lot of default images from cloud providers create the default admin user. Currently we remove them and break things.
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