I am having problems adding an additional IP that I have contracted from OVH, when I add it from the Hestia panel, then I go to SSH and run “ifconfig” and it does not show it. I add it manually in /etc/network/interfaces (Debian 10), then I reboot with “systemctl restart networking” and run “ifconfig” again, now it shows… But I write the IP directly in the browser and I get a 504 error.
No Adolfo, don’t invent that everything is already invented.
1st - use ‘netplan’ as recommended by hestiaCP
2nd - ask correctly.
How can I configure netplan in OVH?
And now I answer you, follow my instructions and you will have what you are looking for.
1 - reinstall your VPS
2 - configure the network to use ‘netplan’.
I did it like this in an LXC container and automatically hestiaCP adds the IPs without problem.
In the control panel you add the ‘failover IPs’ and hestia adds them automatically
I got this by following the OVH documentation
After adding the IP from the control panel, you can type the IP in the browser and you will see how it responds.
Forget the answers that NO ONE tries first, what I tell you I have tried
I solved it using the v-add-sys-ip command, I just added the IP, followed by the NETMASK, something like this: v-add-sys-ip 123.456.789.0
The other values were filled in added in automatic, and set to shared (can be modified from the Hestia panel).
A reboot was necessary right away, because it was still not working until I completely restarted the server.
Yes, I haven’t tried this method but I did read that it worked, the only problem with this method is that you have to reproduce it over and over again for each IP.
creating the network with ‘netplan’ you forget about needing SSH