I have created 2 databases, but i see only 1 in phpMyAdmin.
What could be the reason for this?
Pls help!
You didn’t say whether you are using mysql or mariadb.
As root, execute this command (it will list all your DBs) and show the output:
mysql -uroot -e 'SELECT User,Host,DB,Select_priv,Insert_priv,Update_priv,Delete_priv FROM mysql.db;'
It is mariadb.
I get an error, when running your SQL command.
If you don’t say what the error is, we won’t be able to fix it.
I can not. There is a limit here.
Multiple errors occurred: 1) Sorry, new users can only put one embedded media item in a post. 2) Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post.
Here it is: https://pastebin.com/3CQtnEtZ
Just a thought … were the two databases created under different users? You’ll only be able to see the dbs created for a specific user.
If you manage to run the command sahsanu gave you, as root, that will list all the databases.
Also, can you see both of the databases in the DB tab of Hestia? Is it just phpmyadmin that’s not showing them?
We create a unique user for each database so you can’t see them with the same user …
What is root?
root is the admin user of Linux.
You should know that already. Hestiacp is intended for advanced users and this forum is for that.
Of course we all have been new to all this at some point. And I am no expert myself.
If I may, I would suggest you ask chatgpt for clarifications first and then come here for help so we have only the most difficult questions here.
I do not have the root account. It is not my server.
But my user is set as administrator, not user.
Any other sugestions? I uploaded wordpress files but can not see the website!
I think you are missing basic things.
- A user can create many databases.
- Each database has a database-user. And each database-user has a password .
- A database-user can access only the assigned database in PhpMyAdmin.
In your case, you have two databases. and each databases have separate database-user.
get help from the one, which has installed the server for you.
Thank you, my friend. Now I can see zeul_irelevant database, in phpMyAdmin. Thanks to you.
Now. A new problem. I can not see on-line what I have uploaded on FTP.
This should be a simple HTML page: http://irelevant.ro/index.html
Does it load for you, my friends?
I uploaded the file here: /web/irelevant.ro/public_html
Maybe is something simple I’m missing, like the thing with the two different usernames.
you’re dns isnt working. Also this forum isnt the place for end consumer support.