Import from Vesta to Hestia wrong cron Patch

i was moved all of my sites from Vesta (admin user) to Hestia ( Vesta User) after import all Cron has the patch for Vesta files so when Cron is executed it faild and send email.

Are u using unprivileged user or admin user to run crons? What is Vesta user in Hestia?

Also I see crons are pointing to Vesta folder so it’s obviously not what you wanna do in hestia

Looks like you improted a admin user, basicly there is no need to do - as we do not suggest to use admin user for running any website or mail hostings. You should create a unprivileged user.

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Task move Vesta to Hestia

what i do:

1- take full backup from Vesta 2.5GB
2- change the name and load into backup folder in Hestia.
3- create user Vesta in HestiaCP
4- Import the backup.

After finished the import create all cron in user Vesta with wrong patch.

The problem it’s here indeed. You work on vestia with admin user while you shouldn’t. So in Hestia when u import the admin from vesta, crons are wrong. You can use v-restore-user USERNAME BACKUP and it will create an unprivileged user with your backup. Afterwards, delete admin’s crons herited from vesta.