Installation on different disks

ENG . I have been using hestia for a long time. It is planned to install a new Debian system and panel.The question is this. If I create / and /home partitions on one SSD, and /var and /tmp partitions on another SSD, will Hestia be able to determine the /var partition on another SSD itself in order to install all the necessary directories in it, or will it still create them in the / partition ? Sorry for the bad English, I use a translator.
RUS Уже давно пользуюсь hestia. Планируется установка новой системы Debian и панели.Вопрос такой. Если я создам на одном SSD разделы / и /home,а на другом SSD /var и /tmp ,Hestia сможет сама определить раздел /var на другом SSD чтобы в нем установить все необходимые каталоги или же все-равно создаст их в разделе / ?

I believe you have to read the source code to figure it out by yourself.

I have not read it though BUT I think you will be fine.

There is one thing that I do.

I move users to different disks when the main disk is low on space.

I mount /home2 in a different disk

rsync the files

Beware there are some immutable files

delete home directory for that user

ln -s to create a link

It all works fine BUT it is not supported and you can’t delete an user. You have to revert the changes first.

You can just mount /var/ and /tmp/ to a different drive works without any issue

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