for the last few months i’ve searched online for how to install ioncube loader on hestia, i’ve watched a lot of videos, read a lot of forum guides, i’ve followed a lot of guides which always ends with me deleting the server to restart again.
in the last month up till the time of witting this here to ask ask if someone can post a step by step guide with photos on how to install ioncube on server properly so that newbies like me and people in general can in future be able to do it with less hussle than i am having right now,
i have had to stay up for 48hrs more than 7 times in the last month following some tutorials that i thought may work only to find out that it didn’t work after all my effort.
not everybody is an expert, i’ve read about people asking for help on various things about hestia on forums about hestia only to be given bland answers like they should know the answers, in life people generally ask questions because they want an answer to a question they don’t have an answer too, just remember, just because something comes easy to you doent mean it comes easy to everyone else, just because you know something doesn’t mean everyone else knows it too, one thing is common though, everyone starts with zero knowledge.
i don’t even understand why hestia haven’t already done a step by step guide, surely it is in hestia’s interest for more people to use hestia, isn’t the goal to be number 1?
Hello Klion,
try to use the search funciton:
no, it clearly is not.
HestiaCP aims to be a tool for rather seasoned admins enabling them to handle regular tasks in an easy way via GUI or predefined shell scripts. also giving additional access to unprivileged users to take over some of the easier configurations themselves.
with all that it tries to only interfere with the system as much as needed so it isn’t in the way for custom setups or advanced configurations.
while I totally agree that everyone has to start somewhere I am afraid that HestiaCP simply is the wrong choice here then. it is not and most likely never will be the right choice for linux/admin beginners.
I understand that the GUI and reduced amount of options to choose from might suggest otherwise, but that’s a wrong impression then. sorry. and again, nothing wrong about being a beginner, however we do not aim for being a starters tool or replacing knowledge after all. and we don’t care much for any ranking.
that said, I also agree that howtos/tutorials can be of value, but this is rather something other admins are free to provide via forum or even as a pull request to be added as feature and so on.
for ioncube in the end it is as easy as:
- download the full package from their page
- put the correct *.so for each php version somewhere accessible
- reference it in an ini-file as module to be loaded
- restart php and be done
Hi Eris i did over and over again before writing this, but thanks for the response
wow, unbelievable. am lost for words
over and over again this is what i get when i followed this over the months before writting this request, including today.
(Failed loading /usr/lib/php/20180731/ /usr/lib/php/20180731/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
PHP 7.4.16 (cli) (built: Mar 5 2021 07:54:38) ( NTS )
Copyright © The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright © Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.4.16, Copyright ©, by Zend Technologies)
Are the files there, where they should be? Whats the output of ls -l /usr/lib/php/20180731/?
About @falzo’s answer? I can confirm it to 100%.
Hi ScIT,
ls: cannot access ‘/usr/lib/php/20180731/’: No such file or directory
yeah, did you read the part in your tutorials where it says that you need to check, if the directory exist at all? obviously it does not. the 20180731 would most likely be the wrong one for php 7.4 anyway. these folders are named after the base phpversion used while compiling, so the least you should do is checking, which one really exists and put your .so there
that is the bad thing about tutorials anyway. you always need to keep in mind that most of them have been written on a very specific system at a specific point in time. things can diverge from that, especially file locations and versions and such.
and then for checking what’s wrong… your error message gives you the exact reason why it fails. the file cannot be accesed. reason is either the file or the whole dir is not there, or the permissions on them are wrong.
I can only repeat myself: there is absolutely nothing wrong about being a beginner and looking for help.
however, coming across as being entitled and demanding for whatever reason - even complaining about the responses you might receive is a total different story and will lead you nowhere.
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