Iptables doesn't start

Can you please help me with this?

Logs after doing systemctl status hestia-iptables.service

root@hcp:~# systemctl status hestia-iptables.service
● hestia-iptables.service - Loading Hestia firewall rules
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/hestia-iptables.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Thu 2024-09-19 15:35:06 PDT; 2h 59min ago
Main PID: 644 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CPU: 38ms

Sep 19 15:35:06 xxx systemd[1]: Starting Loading Hestia firewall rules…
Sep 19 15:35:06 xx systemd[1]: Finished Loading Hestia firewall rules.

The problem is that it always shows 0 minutes running which is not accurate.

Yes, it is :wink:

It’s working as expected. The iptables service only loads the firewall rules, the service doesn’t need to be up and running. You shouldn’t be worried about it, it’s fine.


Thanks for answering me.