Hello Mr. Smitka!
Thanks for your answer. Appreciate it.
Well, in a way your above statement is difficult for me to grasp. So let me ask you more precise manner for my understanding.
Currently the HestiaCP uses unix sockets with listen.mode = 0660 in a general config file as follows:
chmod 0660 hestiamail:www-data /run/php/php8.3-fpm.dummy.sock
The HestiaCP uses unix sockets for each individual users for specific domain .com as follows:
chmod 0660 username:www-data /run/php/php8.3-fpm-domain.com.sock
In a nutshell, your research showed that the user having an access to php8.3-fpm-domain.com.sock (username:www-data) can elevate his rights at the socket level to hestiamail:www-data by using php8.3-fpm.dummy.sock.
Is my understanding of the reported vulnerability correct?
This has a logical conclusion that there are only three possibilities:
chmod 0600 hestiamail:www-data /run/php/php8.3-fpm.dummy.sock
chmod 0660 username:www-data /run/php/php8.3-fpm-domain.com.sock
I never tried or understood, if this works. However your statement on “improper configuration” indicitaes this way of solving the reported vulnerability that does not permit any write.
It still permits a read, though. But uploading your mini browser to implant the exploit will not longer be possible.
The core team of php-fpm launches a jail concept of using the sockets and seperate the use of php8.3-fpm.dummy.sock, which cannot be accessed by a php8.3-fpm-domain.com.sock.
So there is no read and write communication. It will simply be there for technical reasons.
But this variant does not exists.
Do not use php-fpm.
Is this correct understanding?
Currently, there isn’t any possibility to use php-fpm (until a jail concept is launched) because it will always have to maintain a read access over the (TCP/unix) socket.