Issue when trying to add my email accounts to Outlook

Good morning,
Congratulations to the developer for the amazing Hestia CP.
I am encountering an issue when trying to add my email accounts to Outlook. Even though I’ve entered all the parameters correctly, I get the following error: “An error occurred while adding the account. Please try again.”
I understand this may be an issue specific to Outlook, but I was wondering if there is anything we can do on the Hestia side to resolve the problem.
PS: There are no issues with other email clients.
Thank you in advance for your response.

Hi @Vincent

Are you sure the settings to connect to your server are the right ones? It happens on all Outlooks or just in one of them?

If you share your actual domain we could check whether all looks fine or there is some problems.

Also, double check that outlook is using the right data:

Thanks for your quick feedback.
All the parameters are correct, we have checked several times but it does not work, pasting the same credentials in the webmail works correctly.
the domain is

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I’ve checked the dns, certificates, connections, etc. and all looks fine.

Can you add a test mail account and send me via private message the user and password? I will test it from my end.

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I have done some more testing, including creating a new test address and the test email seems to work fine.
Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I noticed that the email addresses I used previously with Microsoft’s email server don’t seem to work.
How do I write to you privately to send you the two accounts with the passwords? (sorry for my ignorance)