Issues after updating to hestiacp 1.9.1

I am encountering two issues after updating to hestia version 1.9.1. The first issue is with backups. It is no longer possible to download them. Clicking the download button results in an error saying the url is invalid. The second issue occurs in phpmyadmin when the selected language is not English. After logging in, I get the following error: SET lc_messages = 'de_DE'; #1231 - Variable 'lc_messages' can't be set to the value of 'de_DE'. Any help to resolve these problems would be greatly appreciated

Issue 1: phpMyAdmin Language Setting Error

The error you’re encountering in phpMyAdmin when setting a non-English language is due to the lc_messages variable not being supported or available in your MySQL server configuration. Here’s how you can resolve it:

  1. Check Available Languages:
  • Log in to your MySQL server and run the following command to see the available character sets and collations:

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%';


  • This will help you understand what locales are supported by your MySQL server.
  1. Update MySQL Configuration:
  • If de_DE is not listed, you might need to add it to your MySQL server’s configuration. This usually involves installing the appropriate locale packages on your server and configuring MySQL to use them.
  1. Install Locale Packages:
  • On a Debian/Ubuntu-based system, you can install German locale packages using:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install locales

sudo locale-gen de_DE.UTF-8

sudo update-locale

  • After installing, restart MySQL:

sudo systemctl restart mysql

  1. Modify phpMyAdmin Config:
  • As a workaround, you can change the default language in phpMyAdmin’s configuration file ( Locate this file in your phpMyAdmin installation directory and set:

$cfg['Lang'] = 'en'; // Set default language to English

  • This will force phpMyAdmin to use English, preventing the error.

Unable to use download backup

You can use this command to download and backup to Windows

scp -P 22 [email protected]:/backup/www_backup_2025-01-05_05-10-15.tar C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\

You can also use this to upload backups to the server

scp -P 22 C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\www_backup_2025-01-05_05-10-15.tar [email protected]:/root/

Please backup the files before operation to prevent them from being damaged


Same problem unfortunately.

#1231 - Variable ‘lc_messages’ can’t be set to the value of ‘hu_HU’

Help please!


Make sure to update to Hestia 1.9.2 is has been fixed there…

Please stop providing incorrect chat gpt based information…

1 Like

Hello. My Hestia updated 1.9.2:

  • Hestia Control Panel v1.9.2
  • System Debian 12.8 (x86_64)

And problem for phpmyadmin

Help please!

Error in hestiacp 1.9.2 clean install using language differente from EN
the locale-gen already installed

in my case,
sed -i ‘s|/usr/share/mysql|/usr/share/mariadb|g’ /etc/mysql/my.cnf

folder /usr/share/mariadb
doesnt exists
in some old installs, exists…

ln -s /usr/share/mariadb /usr/share/mysql


Hey eris, i’m on v1.9.3. I have this issue too

#1231 - Variable ‘lc_messages’ can’t be set to the value of ‘nl_NL’”

i rather ask you for a straight forward fix, instead of installing packages (if can be avoided).

What should i follow as a solution?

If used a earlier version of 1.9.3 it might not have been included:

atp install hestia --reinstall will download the latest version

Of it was updated to night make sure en_US.UTF-8 is installed…

It doesn’t need to be active

apt install -y locales
locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
source /etc/default/locale