Issues with CloudFlare SSL and Email

Hey, this is my first time trying to set up a Panel. I used this tutorial to setup the whole thing: HestiaCP with Cloudflare - Web and Email setup on Oracle Cloud

Now I am facing a couple of issues.

  1. Cloudflare SSL is not saving on the Panel - I want Cloudflare SSL to encrypt my Hestia panel, So in panel settings>Configure>SSL I am pasting the Cloudflare SSL as shown in the video. It also prints “settings saved successfully” But When I am checking it again, The SSL area is empty.

Also, for my website I want it to show the CloudFlare SSL. I saved the cerificate there as well (and in the settings it shows the certificate is issued by cloudflare) But when I check the cerificate from browser. it shows Let’s Encrypt SSL.

  1. Email Issue: So, When I try to send an email to mail tester. it show’s this particular errors.

Also, if I try to send email to any gmail or outlook account. It simply doesn’t deliver the mail and I get a Mail delivery failure message (which means SMTP is working fine?, idk) Not using any STMP relay for now.

  • Update at your provider your RDNS server to your hostname
  • Update Cloudflare to contain the correct SPF records
  • Update Cloudflare the correct DKIM key and DMARC record and it should solve most of your issues

Thank you for the quick reply. Can I get some noob guide for setting up RDNS?

Also, Any solution for the SSL issues?

Google: rdns oracle cloud (in case you’re on oracle free cloud)

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Here’s the issue with SSL:

Also, sorry but how do I get Dkim Key?

I’ve fixed all the issues except the SSL issue with CloudFlare.

Can someone have a look at it, it looks like a bug.

Also bump

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