Laravel 404 Error - Which Config file to edit?


I have successfully installed Hestia Panel on my Ubuntu 20.04 LTS VPS server. I added a domain successfully with HTTPS. I am able to access the main domain page.

However, I cannot access any other routes as they all give me 404. I looked in the configurations on hte command Line and found /home/myuser/conf/web/ and that lists

  1. apache2.conf
  2. apache2.ssl.conf
  3. nginx.conf
  4. nginx.forcessl.conf
  5. nginx.ssl.conf

I tried adding try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args; to nginx.ssl.conf and restart the nginx server, but no effect.

Where on earth do you configure nginx domain files?

If you use Nginx only use the lavaral template

If you use Nginx + Apache2 most easiest way is use the custom docroot function + .htaccess file in the public folder

Nginx doesn’t support .htaccess files though. Am I missing something?

Then use the Laveral template in the list

There is no Laravel Template for me. I see php7_X and default only

If you have 3 drop down menus like this:

Use the docroot option.

If there is Web Template (Nginx) select there lavaral as template.

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Read my question. The issue is not the docroot but rather the “url rewrite” configuration with nginx, the way Hestia is set up. I usually would edit the server block for the domain and the necessary “rewrite line” ( try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args; )

Server block in the config files get overwritten every time you change a setting or update the server. There for we use templates… So use them, Other wise you will comeback the next update that all settings have been changed…


@eris can you inbox me please? Need some assistance and I don’t want to post directly in the forums without consulting you on the side.

After trying multiple combinations, what really worked for me was :

  1. Install Hestia with Nginx and PHP-FPM ( no apache whatsoever)
  2. Copy the Laravel template in /usr/local/hestia/data/templates/web/nginx/php-fpm to another template called “MyTemplate” ( copy laravel.tpl to MyTemplate.tpl and laravel.stpl to MyTemplate.stpl )
  3. In the GUI, select that template for NGINX
  4. Save and Voila!
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