Laravel - Octobercms template


Am trying to use octobercms using the laravel template but I get 404. I also duplicated the nginx laravel.tpls and staple templates and added the below coded as suggested.

location / {
    # Let OctoberCMS handle everything by default.
    # The path not resolved by OctoberCMS router will return OctoberCMS's 404 page.
    # Everything that does not match with the whitelist below will fall into this.
    rewrite ^/.*$ /index.php last;

# Pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server
location ~ ^/index.php {
    # Write your FPM configuration here


# Whitelist
## Let October handle if static file not exists
location ~ ^/favicon\.ico { try_files $uri /index.php; }
location ~ ^/sitemap\.xml { try_files $uri /index.php; }
location ~ ^/robots\.txt { try_files $uri /index.php; }
location ~ ^/humans\.txt { try_files $uri /index.php; }

## Let nginx return 404 if static file not exists
location ~ ^/storage/app/uploads/public { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/storage/app/media { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/storage/temp/public { try_files $uri 404; }

location ~ ^/modules/.*/assets { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/modules/.*/resources { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/modules/.*/behaviors/.*/assets { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/modules/.*/behaviors/.*/resources { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/modules/.*/widgets/.*/assets { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/modules/.*/widgets/.*/resources { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/modules/.*/formwidgets/.*/assets { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/modules/.*/formwidgets/.*/resources { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/modules/.*/reportwidgets/.*/assets { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/modules/.*/reportwidgets/.*/resources { try_files $uri 404; }

location ~ ^/plugins/.*/.*/assets { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/plugins/.*/.*/resources { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/plugins/.*/.*/behaviors/.*/assets { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/plugins/.*/.*/behaviors/.*/resources { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/plugins/.*/.*/reportwidgets/.*/assets { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/plugins/.*/.*/reportwidgets/.*/resources { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/plugins/.*/.*/formwidgets/.*/assets { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/plugins/.*/.*/formwidgets/.*/resources { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/plugins/.*/.*/widgets/.*/assets { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/plugins/.*/.*/widgets/.*/resources { try_files $uri 404; }

location ~ ^/themes/.*/assets { try_files $uri 404; }
location ~ ^/themes/.*/resources { try_files $uri 404; }

Is there something am missing and getting the 404? Or anyone has made a template that is similar to October?

Thank you in advance

Laravel templatate could be a good starting point as octobercms is based on it

1 Like

Thank Lupu for your reply,

I tried coaster cms and I get the error but for Octobercms I just get the 404

I getting there but I need some help, so far the login page is showing up but I get 404 on .css and .js files. All the other elements are there just without the styling


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