Login fails after ROUNDCUBE update

Thank you very much its working now. turned false to true :pray: :+1:

Yes …

For the sake of completeness…

Ubuntu 18.04.06:
$config[‘auto_create_user’] = false;


Debian 9
$config[‘auto_create_user’] = false;

Best regards


It should changed to true…

I will test it. So far everything is working.

It is only not working if you create a new account and try to login for the first time via Roundcube.

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Then I still have a few changes to make :slight_smile:

please, where is the path in Debian, if you now? i did not found config.inc.php


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hi @eris
you’ve told me else where to reinstall hestia
will i need to apply the steps commented here, or the reinstall will do it all right?

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Reinstall should fix it