Mail client roundcube and snappymail doesn't open

Hello sir,
When I open my webmail site it says:
Oops… something went wrong!

An internal error has occurred. Your request cannot be processed at this time.

For administrators: Please check the application and/or server error logs for more information.

I know why is happen because roundcube and snappymail directories permission and owner in my web server is not correct but I don’t know how to rectify it.
I seen the solution few weeks ago in this forum but I can’t find it right now.
Can anyone please tell me how to solve it or share the link of that post wher the solution was given how to change permission and owner of that directories in cli.
Please sir it’s really helpful for me.


chown -R hestiamail:www-data /etc/roundcube/
find /etc/roundcube/ -type f -iname "*php" -exec chmod 640 {} \;
chown -R hestiamail:www-data /var/lib/roundcube/
chown -R hestiamail:www-data /var/log/roundcube/


chown -R hestiamail:www-data /etc/snappymail/
chown -R hestiamail:www-data /var/lib/snappymail/

Yes it’s work.
Thanks for help sir.


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