Multiple IP one NIC

HI all,

Due to replacing hard drives in my server, I had to re-install Hestia, previously I had it running under ProxMox so Hestia only had one IP, I’m now giving it 4 IPs on one nic.

What is the best way of doing this? I did first use something like v-add-sys-ip eno1 for each of them, however the server only registered the first IP.

Then in the interfaces config file, I changed it to eno1:1, etc after restarting the networking this seemed to make the server unresponsive to both web and ssh.

Currently waiting on the DC to connect a KVM so I can fix the issue, but any suggestions on how to discover the proper way to tell the system about the other IPs?

My actual nic is identified as enp6s0f0 if this helps.

How did you setup the VM?

Are you using netplan?

Its on a dedi, bare metal

Never heard of netplan before, can you recommend a good guide on using it?

You should provide the public ips

The IPs are to 134.

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