Multiple WordPress sites on one domain

Hello, I have used Hestia to host my website, however, I want a second WordPress site on the same server, but with a different top-level domain. (eg. WWW.@ and students.@) @ being my root domain. I attempted to set this up, and followed instructions found online, however, though I received an email confirming the successful installation, I cannot access the webpage. “The connection has timed out”. The control panel shows it takes disk space, but no bandwidth is up.

I have an A record set up as students.@.

Does anyone have advice on how to fix this? Thanks for your help.

com. and net are different top-level domains. and are different third-level domains.

As for

I’m always a fan of looking for clues in the log files.

Hopefully we will see some additional responses with some more suggestions.

Thank you, I learn new things every day.
A thing worth noting is that there are not any logs in either the access.log or the error logs.

That sounds like you are not looking at the appropriate log files for the information you are seeking. I can’t share them correct paths with you off the top of my head and don’t have time to search for them. Hopefully you have the time, or are able to wait for the aid of someone who can give you the additional nudge in the right direction.