got a message that my CP was upgraded to 1.9.1, also it shows the following:
“A new user “hestiaweb” has been created and is used for login”.
while I do understand that it is a good idea to move away from ‘admin’
as a default login name, and that I can now change it to any other name
I can’t figure how to go about that.
Let’s say that my new admin user name is ‘newadmin’ what would be the
command to set it up instead of ‘admin’ ?
can I delete ‘admin’ and ‘hestiaweb’ users ?
are there any further implications down the road ?
No idea what you want to explain, but no, this is not a malfunction.
Please have a look at the changelogs, you can specify now the admin username with the install params. Also, as far as I remember correctly, you’ll get asked for it.
hestiaweb is needed, if you use admin for your panel, then its needed aswell.
We Run Hestia under the new created hestiaweb user. This user can’t be used to login. (Not needed and has the required permissions to run all the Hestia Commands) And it mandetory.
If you want to delete the current admin user. You can how ever in /usr/local/hestia/conf/hestia.conf there is a new line called ROOT_USER replace that with the new admin username and it should work fine