New server initial email setup help

Hey all,

New hestia user here, looking to migrate 10 or so domains from a plesk setup by the middle of January. I hope that’ll be possible.

I’ve got my server setup (Ubuntu 22.04 vm running on vultr) and have installed hestia. I also added a LE TLS cert via the v-add-letsencrypt-host command and all seems to be good from that front.

I’m just trying to understand the email notification side of things before I get too much further and wondered if someone could help.

I assume that notifications will be sent to the email address specified in the installer and I think I recall seeing that they come from noreply@ the FQDN of the hestia server. Is that correct?

Regarding spf, dkim, dmark; I guess I need to add the A record for the server to my SPF record but I am unsure how to setup dkim. I think that dmark should not need any changes if spf and dkim are correct.

I also wonder if there is a way to generate a “test” notification so I can see if things are working and I assume that the /var/log/eximn4/mainlog is the place to go to monitor things?

another question… Does the settings > configure > mailserver > global SMTP server apply to all domains on the server (which is my assumption) or just to the hestia CP part?

All outgoing email (send via Exim) so also domains…

Thanks @eris

So if I want customer domain name emails to be sent directly from the hestia server I must not use a global smtp relay server.

Any idea on generating a test notification from the server to check if they are being delivered correctly?