Hey all,
New hestia user here, looking to migrate 10 or so domains from a plesk setup by the middle of January. I hope that’ll be possible.
I’ve got my server setup (Ubuntu 22.04 vm running on vultr) and have installed hestia. I also added a LE TLS cert via the v-add-letsencrypt-host command and all seems to be good from that front.
I’m just trying to understand the email notification side of things before I get too much further and wondered if someone could help.
I assume that notifications will be sent to the email address specified in the installer and I think I recall seeing that they come from noreply@ the FQDN of the hestia server. Is that correct?
Regarding spf, dkim, dmark; I guess I need to add the A record for the server to my SPF record but I am unsure how to setup dkim. I think that dmark should not need any changes if spf and dkim are correct.
I also wonder if there is a way to generate a “test” notification so I can see if things are working and I assume that the /var/log/eximn4/mainlog is the place to go to monitor things?