Not able to connect with FTP using Notepad++

I’m not able to connect via FTP using Notepadd++, however, I am able to connect using FileZilla just fine. I don’t get any specific error, it just will not connect. I’m able to connect to other servers and hosting environments without any issues, just the servers I have Hestia running on is giving me the problem. Let me know if there is something I’m missing or could be doing wrong. Thanks.

Check that you configured Passive connection mode and that you are using the right user and password. Also, your connection type should be FTP or FTPES (Explicit)

You should check vsftpd log (I assume your ftp server is vsftpd):


You could add log_ftp_protocol directive to log all the commands sent by the ftp client:

echo 'log_ftp_protocol=YES' >> /etc/vsftpd.conf
systemctl restart vsftpd

Now try to connect using NppFTP plugin and then, check again the log /var/log/vsftpd.log

Thank you for the help. I will give this a try.

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That is the plugin I’m using with notepad++ and I can get it to work on any hosting I have sued before but it won’t connect to any server running hestia. Is there another step I need to take in order to use SFTP with hestia? I have changed any configurations since setting it up and I’m adding ftp accounts via admin options for that particular domain. Filezilla works perfect, just not notepad++ with NppFTP.

Did you open the firewall port? Are the user credentials valid? Try to see what’s the logs say.

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