Not Able to Setup Let's Encrypt on the panel!

Try your mobile phone

When I tried mydomain/phypadmin, it’s gave me a “access denied” message!


No idea, not able to reproduce at all. Create db, user, take hostname.domain.tld/phpmyadmin and login.

Also, first update/ upgrade your system and reboot…

sudo v-add-letsencrypt-myhostname
I have had this problem from time to time, just like sometimes the email wont send etc, I just do a reinstall and it sorts it out, might be corrupting a file when downloading.

for phpmyadmin use the base domain like this

dont use

The problem of the hestia panel not having an SSL certificate still remains!

How do I reinstall?

Format the server and install hestia again.

Please don’t be offended by this post, because my only purpose is to warn you that this product may not be good for you.

First of all, it seems that you don’t have the basic Linux sysadmin skills. The most basic of which is to be able to follow some guides. I base this assumption on the fact that you tried to use the non existent command v-add-letsencrypt-myhostname (no idea where you saw this). The correct command is v-add-letsencrypt-host as you can read here v-acknowledge-user-notification — Hestia Control Panel documentation

Then you tried to use the sudo -v -add -letsencrypt -hostname (no idea where you saw this either) which is not at all a command. Linux commands (usually) don’t start with a dash. Most of the times parameters start with the dash and parameters come after the command. And sudo is not considered a command per se. It’s just a way to run a command with elevated rights. This is some basic knowledge you need to have.

Then you were given the correct command (v-add-lets-encrypt-host) by you typed something different (v-add-lets-encrypt-hcp). Still not able to follow some clear instructions.

Later on you expected to have an SSL certificate for an IP address, when it’s common knowledge that Let’s Encrypt do not provide certificates for IP addresses. I can understand that this may be news to you, since it’s a bit more “advanced” knowledge, so let’s move on.

The descriptions of the problems you are facing are extremely vague. No-one can guess what you have done, what you see and what you expected to see. You need to put some effort to fully explain what you have done, where you have clicked, what URL you tried to visit, what error message you got.

Next up is that I noticed that you have just 2h reading time on this forum. Which might suggest that you didn’t pay enough attention or didn’t really tried to solve the problem by searching before asking questions. Some questions have been answered a lot of times in the past, so it is just a waste of time, both yours and the members’’ of this forum.

As I said right at the start, I have no intention to offend you or scare you away. I only need to tell you that if you intend to use this product, then you really need to try more.


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