PHP-FPM functions not found

Greetings. I’m having issues with a few php functions.

Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function shell_exec()


Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ini_set()

Neither are disabled, and this message is not the disabled function message normally displayed when they are. This appears like they don’t exist?

I am using a custom php-fpm template for 8.2

Thanks for any help!

Neither are listed in disabled functions, master or local.

I’m lost. Hope for help :smiling_face:

Hi @chrisf,

Regarding the screenshot of phpinfo, are you sure the version is the same that you are using on your site? As it has no sense I’m just trying to guess.

Try to search for shell_exec in all the php conf files:

grep -r shell_exec /etc/php/
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Thank you, I resolved the issue.

I had made a custom php fpm template and had override admin value for disabled functions.

In php info this change was reflected. However, it still remained disabled from the main ini file. Which, is wrong from everything I’ve read online.

Either way, resolved. Thank you

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.ini goes above the template files and disabled functions can’t be overwritten…


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