PhpMyAdmin 504 Gateway Timeout error

I try to upload SQL database using PhpMyAdmin, each time I get this error.
The database files size is 130Mb

504 Gateway Timeout

The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application.

Can you help me fix it?
Does hestiacp have an option for remote SQL login?


  • use mysqldump: mysqldump -u username -p databasename < import.sql
  • reload url several times. Sometimes it works.
  • increase timeout times (not recommended)
  • compress database into zip and try uploading it
  • split sql files

This is what I do: I have a regular user with ssh access to a temporary folder that I use to drop in files (or out)

After I move my files, I start a new ssh session and then I visit that folder and perform the mysqldump operation or restore a WordPress…

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