PHPMyadmin & File Manager failed to install on my Ubuntu 20.04 VPS Server

PHPMyadmin & File Manager failed to install on my Ubuntu 20.04 VPS Server. Here was my screenshoot of installation!


Also when I try to login & inserting username, there is often redirecting to inserting username again and cannot entering dashboard/control panel. When I succeed to entering control panel, and I am try to clik the menus, it logout automatically.

How can I fix this, thank you very much . .

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Did you tried to overwrite an active VestaCP install?

That is currently not supported…

Yes, I am try to installing VestaCP before but it cannot done because ubuntu 20.04 was not compatible with VestaCP.

Hmm there when something wrong with the release of a beta version. And the installer of the main release was also updated…

You will have to reinstall the server as I really don’t know what has been messed up with the current install and then try again…

Hi, thank you for the respons. I think it was solved by it self :smiley: . I am login control panel in the next day and it was ok.