PHPMyAdmin Issue on Hestia: 404 Not Found

Hello everyone,

I’m experiencing an issue with PHPMyAdmin on my Hestia server. I recently modified the hestia.conf file to change the path configuration, and I believe that’s where I might have made a mistake.

The problem is that when I try to access PHPMyAdmin through the dashboard or the set URL (e.g., https://<your-domain>/dbadmin), I get a 404 Not Found error.

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:

  1. Verified that the hestia.conf changes were saved correctly.

  2. Restarted Hestia and the web server.

  3. Checked the logs, but nothing obvious stood out to me.

I suspect the issue might be related to either the path configuration or permissions.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem or can suggest steps to troubleshoot and resolve this?

Thanks in advance!

Is it not possible to restore the default configuration of hesia.conf?

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It probally is still active on /phpmadmin/ instead of dbadmin


v-change-sys-db-alias pma "somethingrandom"
v-change-sys-db-alias pma "dbadmin"

And it should work

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Sorry, I forgot to update the topic. @arambilal contacted me privately, and the issue has already been resolved.

The issue was that @arambilal was redirecting all requests for to port 8083, and the Nginx instance listening on port 8083 is the one provided by Hestia, not the one used to serve the domains or phpMyAdmin. Once the redirection was removed, it worked as expected.

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