Phpmyadmin won't open

I have a fresh installation of hestia, with default installer. And It has 1 domain with WP Quick Installation.

When I am trying to open the Phpmyadmin, it is not working. Just saying https://IP/phpmyadmin refused to connect. What could be wrong with it?

We are not Vesta…



Btw I created a new database from hestiacp and then clicked on phpmyadmin and it opened on https://IP/phpmyadmin

Did it disable the protection automatically?

You are using ip adress as url to access the control pannel.

When you use it works fine

I understand that. But i am saying I was using IP to access the panel and it did not open phpmyadmin.

But when I created a new database, it opened on IP. Why?

I did not use hostname both times. Why it opened 2nd time tho?

good point. Phpmyadmin puts its config into nginx and apache during install. However could be that the script creating the (first) database also checks and adjusts something.

If you can reliably reproduce the behaviour please open a github issue with the steps needed to reproduce, so we can look into it :wink:

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