Please offer HestiaCP 1.9.x LTS on Ubuntu 24.x LTS!


Introducing new features has always come up with an unseperable VAT (bugs and typos). This is really great and is always helpful. But it comes with a huge price.

Now that 1.9.x stable is made available, I suggest to have that as a feature freeze version and convert (or declare) it as LTS. This will only receive bugfix on Ubuntu 24.x. Like this, everyone can expect a stability of HestiaCP 1.9.x LTS to make sure they have a long term availability of a stable version.

Logically, it will not make any update to HestiaCP 2.0.x automatically. If one wants a version update, one can do that manually on machines they can take some risks.

The LTS system will create a lot of faith and trust in the user’s community.

It would really help, if multiple users come forward to support this post and express their views, if they agree to it or not.