Problem with backups - search alternative, run CLI


I have the following problem.
Using laravel and cronjob, I run a routine that checks for each client whether to delete it and also deletes its database.

To delete the database, I am using the HTTP API - calling the server itself via php CURL.

However, there is a bug, the database is deleted, but the db.conf file is not updated (deleting the database line deleted in this step). That is, it deletes but does not update in db.conf

So I have backup problems…

I’ve already reviewed the code and can’t find the problem.
I’ll try to use it via CLI CLI Reference | Hestia Control Panel
Is there any way to call this command via PHP?

Hi @brunoschneider,

Yes, you can use Hestia’s API to run v-delete-database command.

Take a look to doc to enable API:

Here some php examples:

If you prefer to use a shell script, take a look to this wrapper:

Hey @sahsanu

I think you did not understand. I already use the hestia API but it is generating errors in the db.conf files when deleting the database.

For this reason, I want to use via shell command (example: v-delete-database)

How can I run the “v-delete-database” command directly in php/shell?

You are already using it. Hestia Web UI and Hestia API execute v-delete-database script to delete the db so you won’t see any difference.