Hello there,
Recently I setuped HestiaCP on my Google Cloud server, but when I go to my subdomain with panel I get We’re working on it!.
This is my domain hqris.rip, and way to access panel is panel.hqris.rip
Any advices will help, thanks.
Hello there,
Recently I setuped HestiaCP on my Google Cloud server, but when I go to my subdomain with panel I get We’re working on it!.
This is my domain hqris.rip, and way to access panel is panel.hqris.rip
Any advices will help, thanks.
Welcome to the HestiaCP forum.
The We’re working on it page is a placeholder that is present on every site until you upload content to it. If you want to see something else there, you need to put your site contents into the appropriate folder on the server.
As for administrative access, are you following the documented procedure?
To complement @linkp’s response, right now your server is only accessible through ports 22, 80, and 443. Therefore, you will need to open the ports you require in your hosting provider’s firewall (this includes port 8083 so you can access the Hestia control panel). If you plan to use SMTP, IMAP, etc., you will also need to open the corresponding ports.
Hey there, I just added into firewall ports 2083, 80, 443, 143, 993, 110, 995, 25, 465, 587 (2083 because I am on CloudFlare) and still it is not working. Also here is everything from CF
Did you change to port 2083 in your HestiaCP configuration?
Yes after installation I have run these commands:
sudo su -
v-change-sys-port 2083
Based on the 522 response from Cloudflare, you should probably pause Cloudflare, or at least toggle your hostnames to DNS Only, until you know everything works as needed. Once your sites work as expected, you can then enable the Cloudflare proxy for hostnames that only require HTTP or HTTPS access on supported ports.
Just to let you guys know, I fixed the issue. I started by reinstalling a whole VPS and this time I used this command:
bash hst-install.sh --port 2083 --hostname panel.example.rip --email [email protected] --password example
Also for some reason hostname panel.example.rip doesn’t work and it is on example.rip:2083 even tho it says different inside of CLI:
Admin URL: https://panel.hqris.rip:2083
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