I cannot seem to receive email from gmail. This is what exim logs:
2021-05-22 17:35:14 TLS error on connection from mail-ed1-f52.google.com [] (gnutls_handshake): A disallowed SNI server name has been received.
2021-05-22 17:36:52 Start queue run: pid=4436
2021-05-22 17:36:52 1lkNkQ-0000M0-MY Message is frozen
2021-05-22 17:36:52 End queue run: pid=4436
Anyone has any ideas?
I really don’t know where it is getting that hostname. This is not even the hostname at all. I really don’t know where all these dns and mx testing tools are gettting this values from. As far as when i set it up with hestia that is not even the hostname at all. Even when i type in the command “hostname” in my bash it does not return the weird underscore hostname. So how else do i solve this? I have wiped and resetted my VPS 5 times already.
The problem is at cloudflare 100%, because they are managing the DNS for your domain.
changing the DNS setings in Hestia or searching for that domain on your server won’t help
What you have to do is go to Cloudflare DNS settings tab and change the mail record from “Proxied” to “DNS only” mode, then wait 5 min and retry resolving the MX record
This will fix your unknown underscore hostname problem 100%
Hi @Lupu , thank you for your kind suggestions. Unfortunately, this the point CF community volunteers strongly making. My account has never proxify the MX. So it has always been “DNS only”. That is why all this frantic search as to what could be putting this errant _ hostname. Nonetheless, thank you, I am already starting to look for cloudflare alternatives(edited)
In all honesty, rather than treating customer like trash at this point in time and hypocritically offering “Free” services. Even if it is some flat fee to replace their free plan is still worth it to me. But i guess #AbandonCloudFlare#CloudFlareAlternative is in order i guess?
Just had this myself. No idea what Cloudflare was doing, but taking the proxy off the mail domain fixed it.
dig mx domain.com was showing some funky domain name starting with an underscore instead of the actual mail.domain.com name. Take the CF proxy off, MX record goes back to normal, mail is sent again normally