Rocky Linux Support?

I am wanting to migrate two cPanel accounts to a new server and wanted to give HestiaCP a try. I am very used to Rocky Linux OS and would much prefer to retain that knowledge rather than having to learn a whole new OS (Debian, Ubuntu). Will Rocky Linux be supported in the future?

They are not different, the only difference should be the syntax for updating and installing software, that’s all.
I won’t consider it in the short term. Since these are all done in your spare time, if you have the time and energy, can you join in and try installing it in Rocky Linux? Testing is also possible

No, We don’t have enough manpower to support Rocky Linux…

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Can you guide him on how to test and install a reference solution in Rocky Linux on his own?

You can consider trying using debian, it’s very stable!

If possible, you can clone a copy of the GitHub source code into your repository, modify the installation script commands, and see if it can be installed in Rocky Linux! This will greatly test your proficiency in the system and know the purpose of commands!

I tested Rocky Linux and found it quite unusable. Additionally, common tools such as wget and curl need to be installed manually, lacking the smoothness of Debian.

No major code changes need to be made and I don’t have the time and “motivation” to step into it…

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Can I revise the installation script and have you review it?
And will you support it so that once it’s successfully installed,
it can be used just like Debian? No need to modify any other code?

Install script is not the issue it is everything else …

@Solace Hurry up! Join in! Enable Hestia to support more operating systems!

Come on, we can gather all the developers! You can’t fight alone! Let version 1.90 arrive faster!
The Debian project plans to release the debian13 operating system codenamed Trixie in August, with a planned release date of 1.90 in September

I’d like to give it a go, however I also need a High Availability / clustering feature - sadly these are the two things Hestia does not have so I’m still looking at the other panels and considering options. There is a lot to like about Hestia, but I don’t want to move from cPanel without the features I need. I have a large number of servers, so I am still considering options. I’ll get back to you if I can offer some dev assistance.