I received this email from my server.
Do I have to anything regarding that hint setting a pw for the new hestiaweb user
I think this happens when I try to use the file manager (when inside the admin user)
Feb 4 10:39:31 : hestiaweb : a password is required ; PWD=/usr/local/hestia/web/fm/dist ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/chmod o+x /home/oneuser/.ssh
Hestia runs now on hestiaweb instead admin user. This is to fully segregate “users” and the panel with elevated permissions to run the pannel…
Ok, so
- Should I do something about this message or not?
- Is it still not possible to use the file manager when admin user is selected in hestia?
Update to 2): File Manager "unknown error" I dont have root access - #19 by sahsanu this workaround helped 
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I got the same message. Nothing needs to be done right? Thanks in advance!
[host.example.com](http://host.example.com/) : Feb 6 23:33:36 : hestiaweb : a password is required ; PWD=/usr/local/hestia/web/fm/dist ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/chmod o+x /home/myuser/.ssh