Show CSF in Hestia version 1.7.0


Normally after upgrade Hestia i was doing this steps to show CSF in Hestia CP

1- vi /usr/local/hestia/web/templates/includes/panel.html

2- <div class="l-menu__item <?php if($TAB == 'CSF' ) echo 'l-menu__item--active' ?>"><a href="/list/csf/"><?=_('CSF')?></a></div>

Now after upgrade to 1.7.0 i can’t find panel.html to show CSF

please help me fix this command

Best Regards

We changed filename from .html to php

But also the whole html got a rewrite

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Thank you very much dear @eris :smiling_face:

so i still can use this :

2- <div class="l-menu__item <?php if($TAB == 'CSF' ) echo 'l-menu__item--active' ?>"><a href="/list/csf/"><?=_('CSF')?></a></div>

to show the CSF in control panel page ?

I have started to work on this and managed to bodge something for now, it adds a Padlock icon inline and links to CSF, however opening it loses the hestiacp page formatting albeit csf UI is fully intact so will work out what i need to add to keep it in the right formatting but added target blank for now just to open in new tab

Added this between the Statistics and Help section

                                                <li class="top-bar-menu-item">
                                                        <a title="<?= _("CSF") ?>" class="top-bar-menu-link <?php if($TAB == 'CSF' ) echo 'active' ?>" href="/list/csf/" target="_blank">
                                                                <i class="fas fa-lock"></i>
                                                                <span class="top-bar-menu-link-label u-hide-desktop"><?= _("CSF") ?></span>
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yes header issue but worked as temporary solution :smiling_face: thank you @Thering1975
i wish @eris can help too

we cant support third party software, please ask the software creator.

Thank you @Raphael i already just solved it :+1: and thank you for the new update it’s very nice


Still working on it but if you want to temporarily tidy up the page (i.e remove the header as it is not pulling in the css formatting) then edit the following

nano /usr/local/hestia/web/list/csf/index.php

and then comment out the following line:

top_panel(empty($_SESSION['look']) ? $_SESSION['user'] : $_SESSION['look'], $TAB);

so it looks like this:

//top_panel(empty($_SESSION['look']) ? $_SESSION['user'] : $_SESSION['look'], $TAB);

That used with the hack job i posted early will leave you with a page purely showing the csf WebUI

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However the above gives you just a plain page in new tab without Hestia UI

@nada There is another dirty hack i have been working on and messing around with which gives you the Hestia Branding etc and the CSF ui in the frame appearance as follows:

Ignore the blank page steps above and try this:


nano /usr/local/hestia/web/list/csf/index.php

and add the following lines

// Render page
render_page($user, $TAB, "list_csf");

just after the closing php tag and above the following line:


That will load the CSF page full width with the hestia top panel, it does duplicate this at the bottom as i mentioned im just tinkering for now but both hacky bodges will do the job for now until someone more experienced comes along with a solution

However to adjust the css formatting to make the csf ui not full width add the following to:


look for the following lines:

    <!-- /.l-separator -->
        <div class="l-center units">

and underneath this add the following line:

<div style="margin-left:8%; margin-right:8%;">

So it should now look like this:

 <!-- /.l-separator -->
        <div class="l-center units">
        <div style="margin-left:8%; margin-right:8%;">

Obviously you can remove the _target=blank statement you added earlier as this is not need with this bit of code

That will add a a margin either side so its easier to look at , hopefully someone will come along who can do a proper job but that works for me

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@Thering1975 Thank you very much , tested this too and it’s great :+1: :smiling_face:

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Here is the working script for v1.7 [How-to] CSF Support in Hestia CP - #124 by MAN5

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