Some problems with 1.2.0 RC installation

If you would follow the docs, you will see that this can be fixed with a apt-get install -f (and is also properly documentated :slight_smile:).

Probaly then there is something wrong with the image or digitalocean has some mixed repos - from the official focal repo you only should get libzip5 (, libzip4 is inexistent (

Please fill out a proper issue report and add all informations you got, so we can tackle down the issue: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub


dpkg -i hestia-nginx_1.17.10.deb
dpkg -i hestia-php_7.4.6.deb

apt-get update
apt-get install -f

dpkg -i hestia_1.2.0_amd64.deb

This is what steps i’ve followed and i’m still getting the same error

You downloaded the 20.04 ubuntu packages, do you already have a running hestia system on this version? The docs are for upgrading a existing hestia system, not for a fresh installation.

Yes i was running hestia 1.1.1 before

As I wrote, you downloaded ubuntu 20.04 packages, but hestia 1.1.1 doesnt support ubuntu 20.04. Without detailed informations what exact you have done and also about your system, we can’t help.

Best way currently to install directly 1.2.0 RC is to download


Then download the hestia_1.2.0_amd64.deb


Run the installer

bash ./ --with-debs /path/to/debs_folder

When complete download both nginx and php deb and install those.

Or wait for about more week for the full release…

For upgrading to 1.2.0 / 20.04 from 18.04 / 1.1.1

  1. Upgrade Hestia to 1.2.0
  2. Update Ubuntu to 20.04

Check if iptables is still working if not replace search some where in the 20.04 testing topic for the correct change

Did this method with 1 server with minor issues (Iptables paths missing)


Hello, So i’ve installed a fresh ubuntu 20.04 and i followed the steps as you mentioned and now i’m getting this error


bash ./ --with-debs /tmp/hestiacp-src/debs --apache yes --nginx yes --phpfpm no --multiphp yes --vsftpd no --proftpd yes --named yes --mysql yes --postgresql no --exim yes --dovecot yes --clamav no --spamassassin no --iptables no --fail2ban no --quota yes --api yes --lang en --hostname hostnamehere --email [email protected] --password passwordhere --force yes

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                  Hestia Control Panel


The following server components will be installed on your system:

  • NGINX Web / Proxy Server
  • Apache Web Server (as backend)
  • Multi-PHP Environment
  • Bind DNS Server
  • Exim Mail Server
  • Dovecot POP3/IMAP Server
  • MariaDB Database Server
  • ProFTPD FTP Server


Would you like to continue with the installation? [Y/N]: y
Installation backup directory: /root/hst_install_backups/240620200028
Installation log file: /root/hst_install_backups/hst_install-240620200028.log

Adding required repositories to proceed with installation:

() Apache2
) MariaDB
(*) Hestia Control Panel

Updating currently installed packages, please wait…|

Installation Aborted

Install script does not match Hestia release version
Please use the installer from the release branch

To test the beta version you need to build the hestia deb packages and re-run the installer
./ --hestia no
./ … --with-debs /tmp/hestiacp-src/debs
Error: Installation aborted

--with-debs is pointing to a folder that contains the .deb packages?


ahh i forgot to put --with-debs /root/tmp/hestiacp-src/debs

Sorry about that!

1 Like

you are using the wrong dir

Installation works fine, ProFTPD Fail to start after reboot

Another issue i’ve notice is when i create backup and try to download the backup

it’s creating another backup request instead of downloading the backup file i’m getting this

1 Like

Also it’s bypassing the Package limit

for example in Package i’ve set the backup limit to 1 and it’s keep creating a new backup instead of deleting the old backup and creating new one

Will be fixed with this bug fix

After i click here

it’s still not working. it’s throwing this error now

Also it’s still bypassing the package limit which is set to 1

Try to recreating the backup There could be some things **** due the downloading empty files.

yes i already created a new 2 backup and as you can see when i’m trying to download any backup file i’m getting the same error.

I will debug it tonight