Ssh port change

how to change hestia ssh port address.

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u can change using this

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl restart sshd.service

dont forget to added your new SSH Port into firewall

I don’t think it is the right way to protect your server because hackers spam open ports. I have changed the SSH port and discovered after several months that hackers launched brute force attacks on the new port 2022.

So, then, I went back to the port 22 and I did the following:

Disable password authentication only if you know that your pubkeys are working. Keep your Id_rsa files in safe places.

  • I have increased fail2ban power by switching to mode=agressive.
    Fail2ban stopped banning IP after disabling password auth. for SSH
    With my current fail2ban config, the IP address of the hacker gets banned after 2 attempts. So, they try to connect my server using password authentication. They get kicked out kickly, they try several times and that’s it they are out.

enabled = true
filter = sshd[mode=aggressive]
action = hestia[name=SSH]
logpath = /var/log/auth.log
maxretry = 2
findtime = 864000
bantime = 864000

Description, if an attacker tries to log in twice within 10 days (findtime=864000 seconds) then, the IP address is banned for 10 days (bantime=864000 seconds)

if your own IP gets banned you can unban it via hestia admin panel in the firewall section.

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