We tried inserting 2 different SSL certificate via Control Panel and got this error: “Error: ssl certificate key pair is not valid”, Is there any solution to this or work around for this issue?
Yes, use a valid certificate with the right key for that certificate.
You can test it in the same way Hestia does. Let’s say your certificate is here /tmp/certificate.crt
and the key is here /tmp/certificate.key
openssl s_server -cert /tmp/certificate.crt -key /tmp/certificate.key
If the key and cert are paired, you will see this (ctrl-c to close it):
Using default temp DH parameters
If the cert and key are not paired you will see something like this:
Using default temp DH parameters
error setting private key
40D7112A1B7F0000:error:05800074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch:../crypto/x509/x509_cmp.c:408:
Thank you for the reply. I just did it and got accepted. Could I try it from the command line, any command for that?