SSL for e-mail [Error: DNS record for doesn't exist ]

Hello, I can’t get a SSL certificate for mail. Have error:

Error: DNS record for mail-domain-com doesn’t exist

DNS settings

For the domain,SSL certificate was received without problem.

If i chek in my mail-domain-com, site say: No issues were found with


Thanks for the answer. The second record on screen is

You clicked on book with the globe I assume?

Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 23.33.06

This are the DNS settings you need to copy over as . Do you host your own DNS server or 3rd party?

Yea, i clicked on book with the globe

Here are my complete dns settings

n1/n2 record with ip have too

I host own DNS server

It is missing the webmail record…

If I am not mistaken, the webmail record is present.

Then run:

nslookup or it. should return valid ip address.


Give valid ip address

Found the problem. I forgot to register the A record on the DNS server where my AD domain is located