Subdomain in local hosting

hello all
i have a domain and online hosting
at home i have a server hp proliant running debian and hestiacp.
on cpanel/hosting i changed the ip address on zone editor to my domain ( to point o my public ip on the server(i did port forwarding).
i added wordpress to my domain and it works,including ssl
all looks and works great except subdomains. i fi create a subdomain on cpanel and point to ip adress on hestiacp. nothing happens.
is there a step i need to do ?
or i need to create name servers and change them to my registrar ?
thank you

what means “nothing happens”? Any error output? Timeout? Something else?

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if i create a subdomain from hestiacp like and then on cpanel(webhosting) add subdomain and then go to zone editor end edit the ip of to my server it shows a page “We’re working on it! Coming soon”(generated from cpanel).

is there someone who can explain why i cant get subdomains to work please ? :frowning: