Subdomain resolution

I have my host running on
I want to enable the subdomain ( the idea is to have a subdomain for every site )
So I added an A record to to indicate is pointing to my IP.
But it cannot be resolved ( no ping ).
Is this the right way to define it ?


Buenas, te respondo en español porque veo que el dominio es de Argentina, yo también soy de Argentina.
Lo que tenés que hacer es crear el subdominio como lo haces con los dominios.

Lo he probado asĂ­ ( Add Webdomain ) pero sigue sin resolver el nombre.
¿ Debo además crear una zona por cada subdominio ?
Âż que me puedo estar olvidando ?
Desde ya, muchas gracias.

I’ve tried it that way also ( Add Webdomain ) but still I cannot get the subdomain to be resolved.
Do I have also to create a DNS zone ?
What am I missing ?

I dont think there is anything we could help, the question “subdomain doesnt resolve” is just to generic, without any additional informations. Handling dns can be done using a lot of different ways, self hosted, cloudflare, external registrar - resulting this, there are multiple reasons in a lot of different cases why it could be, that dns isnt working as expected.

Ok. I have a VPS running at hosting.
Checked with them and the confirmed I am able to create sub-domains ( but it has to be manually, since I do not have a Cpanel hired with them - that’s the reason why I choose hestia, to help me configure all that sutff )
My question, so, is about the procedure to follow in order to have a website up an running as a subdomain.

I did :

  1. create a new user ( so the site does not run as admin )
  2. log into the panel as such user
  3. add web domain : / ip address ( public ip ) / create dns zone / allow email

Then I have the site inside the new user’s directory, but I cannot make it ping.

Is this the correct procedure ?


If you havent setup your own nameservers, this would not work that way: You can create dns zones in hestia, but if you dont have setup the nameservers properly (dns cluster) and pointed the propper records on your registrar, this would not work.

How you manage the existing dns records? Probaly you’ve got a webinterface from the registrar or something similar, depends on what you use for.

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Check below link from vestacp which applies same way to hestiacp

As @Raphael says all DNS needs to be managed by hestiacp
For example if you have domain registered in namecheap I would point ns1 to your hestiacp IP

I hope this helps

Not exactly what I said :slight_smile:. If you want to use hestia as dns management, pointing the ns to only one hestia ip is also the wrong way to go and not as it should be like rfc. If you want to build up a propper cluster, 3 different machines which handle only dns should be the target - if this build is to big, you can use aswell other providers like cloudflare or registrar own servers.

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This could, potentially, cause problems with DNS for your domain.
Absolutely the best way to handle DNS is if you do it yourself , ie. register your own nameservers and put all your domains there. This is the only way that you could manage all aspects of your domain, and if something goes wrong you know for a fact it is up to you to handle it and not some support guy from God knows where.

yes sorry :stuck_out_tongue: