Temporary fix for new installation

Hi guys,
I followed the steps here to install Hestia freshly on my server.
First I followed the regular installation steps. It fails when it tries to start php8.3-fpm.
Now edit /etc/php/8.3/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
Replace [wwww] with [www]
and start php8.3-fpm using systemctl start php8.3-fpm

It should start properly now.
This is an important step.

Now you cannot use the installer script again
bash hst-install.sh

Use the following command to remove the Hestia folder

rm -rf /usr/local/hestia

Delete the new admin user you created during the first try (if you want the same user name) using the command

sudo userdel username

Now start the installation script. It should now install without any error. If you see any other errors, repeat the above steps. I tried and successfully installed Hestia.

After installation bind9 was not starting

To start it use the following commands

systemctl start named
systemctl start bind9
ststemctl enable named

after this enable bind9 using the Web UI, it should start properly. I restarted the server and bind9 is still active.

I hope this helps someone in need.


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After restart installation procces:

[ * ] Configuring NGINX...
[ * ] Updating Cloudflare IP Ranges for Nginx...
[ * ] Installing PHP 8.3...
[ * ] Configuring PHP-FPM 8.3...
[ * ] Configuring PHP...
[ * ] Configuring MariaDB database server...
Job for mariadb.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status mariadb.service" and "journalctl -xeu mariadb.service" for details.
Error: mariadb start failed

Repeat the same steps
Remove Hestia Folder
rm -rf /usr/local/hestia

Delete user name

sudo userdel username

and then try. It should work fine.

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Yep, missing

and start php8.3-fpm using systemctl start php8.3-fpm


Did you change [wwww] to [www] on this file? /etc/php/8.3/fpm/pool.d/www.conf

If you do it step by step, it will work fine.

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I mean i missed it.
Thanks a lot for the fix.

For new installation, I also had to apply the following:

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This would be a correct way to install HestiaCP manual with all patches

git clone https://github.com/hestiacp/hestiacp.git
cd hestiacp/src/
bash hst_autocompile.sh --hestia --keepbuild --noinstall
cd ../install/
bash hst-install-{os}.sh -D /tmp/hestiacp-src/deb/ options

P.S it was suggested by @eris


Iā€™m glad that it worked.

Thank you so much for the tutorial, I couldnā€™t figure out how to do it all day yesterday. thanks again, it worked.

developers - reprimand

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I just found out that the limits on domain creation cannot be changed. only one domain, and thatā€™s a system domain. how to increase ?
I select the system package in the admin, itā€™s the same thing.

Š½Šµ Š·Š°ŠæусŠŗŠ°ŠµŃ‚ся - [php8.3-fpm] - Image 10fde-clip-60kb.png

The admin user is for the host domain only. Create a new user for all your other domains.

With a normal installation, you can select the system profile and there will be an unlimited option.

Do this and it should start.

I believe you can edit the packages to increase the limits. Did you try that?
Or create a new package and use it.

Yes, it worked, but when you go to the panel it doesnā€™t work and you canā€™t create a domain.
It says ā€œError: ERROR: Restart of php8.3-fpm failed.
Error: php8.3-fpm restart failedā€.

I canā€™t start in the settings

ps \ You should have modified the file again and replaced www with wwww

Why did the developers let this happen??? and not correct the error.

You should edit it using FTP or SCP. Then everything will start working. I did and everything worked.

Use this to install php 8.3 on Hestia:

v-add-web-php 8.3
sed -i ā€˜/^\t"php-8.2",/a \t"php-8.3",ā€™ /usr/local/hestia/web/edit/server/index.php
v-change-sys-php 8.3