The PHP version is missing in Configure Panel

Firstly, thank you for developing the great ControlPanel.

I have installed PHP 8.3 on the server and can also select it for the individual users. However, I cannot see the version in the settings in Configure under Web Server. The maximum version is PHP 8.2.

v-add-web-php 8.3 tells me that it already exists. Which is actually true.

I have already restarted HestiaCP. Does anyone have an idea why 8.3 does not appear here? I would like to set it as the default version.

Use this command as root:

sed -i '/^\t"php-8.2",/a \\t"php-8.3",' /usr/local/hestia/web/edit/server/index.php
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Great, that was the crucial clue. Is this setting only hardcoded for the config panel or does it also affect other pages? This means that every PHP update has to be stored here again, right?

Only affects to that part of the panel.

Right, but Hestia usually will update it for you.


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