Ubuntu 22.04 i installed hestia on ubuntu but i don't know what is the password and admin name some help?

i installed hestia on ubuntu but i don’t know what is the password and admin name some help?

the problem was solved with the simple command sudo passwd admin in ubuntu terminal

v-change-user-password admin newpassword instead other wise the password change get lost

are you always so rude?
I’m personally installing this program for the first time and I encountered this problem for the first time but I found the solution myself and I’ll leave this topic here to help others

I am just giving you the correct command as passwd doesn’t save the password in hestia config and will changed to the original


hestiaCP needs to know that password too.

With that command hestiaCP won’t know the password and some things can break in the future.

If anyone reads this thread in the future, the correct command to change a password in hestiaCP is:


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