Update Hestia on Ubuntu 20.04 (aarch64)

I have Hestia 1.4.8 installed on Ubuntu 20.04 (aarch64) and I have the updates activated and they have not been executed, I saw that we are in version 1.4.14, what can I do?

I also have a problem with exim4 this does not restart and is turned off in hestia, I can not send emails from wordpress, or from another application

v-update-sys-hestia-git hestiacp release install

Should do the job.

About exim, honestly, no idea, don’t use arm.

It is the vps that I have with oracle cloud
I already ran the script and it was updated to version 1.4.14 and when finished it appears:

sh: 1: / usr / sbin / sendmail: not found
sh: 1: / usr / sbin / sendmail: not found
In the terminal

probaly sendmail missing, but as wrotten, I can’t provide you any support for arm

Probably sendmail is not install install it or use https://github.com/hestiacp/hestiacp/blob/main/install/upgrade/manual/configure-server-smtp.sh once.

For exim check /var/log/exim4/mainlog and see what is wrong

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