I am trying to restore a website and cant move my User backupfile into the backup folder. I am trying it using Filezilla. I have tried it when logged in as Admin and tried it when logged in as User, but both fail saying they don’t have write privileges.
My user file is 8GB - i tried to move this.
Also tried to move just the domain_data.tar (3.5GB) file so i could restore just the website manually.
Both cant be uploaded.
Files are also too big to upload in the File Manager in Panel. (max file size is 1GB)
i tried unzipping the domain_data.tar file in hopes that i could just drop the whole file structire in place using Filezilla, but i cant unzip the file properly in my windows desktop. I get lots of popups and have to ‘skip’ files. So im not sure if that will cause problems later.
Any sugegstions? Thanks