User default package not editable

Can’t edit the user’s default package. No edit button


Is by design please create a new one and edit that one

Maybe we could show a warning when someone wants to save an edit of the default template.

You can’t edit it any more

But the user won’t understand why that is not possible in an intuitive way. Just try to enhance the user experience.

Ясно. Это означает, что эта функция была намеренно удалена в последних версиях. Думал что-то поигрался с конфигами CP

It’s clear. This means that this feature has been intentionally removed in recent versions. I thought I was playing with CP configs

Si cada uno habla en su idioma, no nos vamos a entender. Por favor, usa Google Translate si no sabes inglés.

  1. Please use English as main language. We don’t speak Russian currently!

  2. Package will remain the same as they are currently are. How ever you can’t edit the default package. This is by design allow the system fails back to a template that is always working if a user imports a backup with a non existing backup.

You can create any template you want by clicking on “New Pacakage” or click on the copy pakage. After that you can rename / change the package as you want / need.


I’m sorry. I used google translator, and it seems when copying the translated text, the original text in Russian was also copied

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I have added the English translation afterwards :wink: Makes it it easier for every body else to read…

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This means that I copied the original text, not the translated one. And I did not check what I posted, once again I apologize

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