
Getting this error on the master side. The slave is a new install after VirMach botched my VM.

2022-07-06 20:55:03 v-insert-dns-domain ‘dns-cluster’ ‘DOMAIN=‘pi.example.com’ IP=‘143.198.xxx.169’ TPL=‘child-ns’ TTL=‘14400’ EXP=‘2023-11-17’ SOA=‘ns1.pi.example.com’ SERIAL=‘2022070615’ RECORDS=‘22’ SUSPENDED=‘no’ TIME=‘11:14:09’ DATE=‘2022-07-06’’ ‘pi.example.com’ ‘no’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ [Error 4]

4 E_EXISTS Object already exists

Source: Getting Started | Hestia Control Panel

Probaly pi.example.com already exists?

I have that error fixed. Simply deleted the domain and then sync re-added it.

From myVesta to HestiaCP, it shows to have connected, but after awhile there are no domains at HestiaCP and running v-sync-dns-cluster the command completes immediately. I cannot find any logs of what this process is doing on either side. Is the command correct? HestiaCP has user dns-cluster created.

v-add-remote-dns-host 143.198.xxx.169 27610 admin xxExAmPl3a97 dns-cluster
v-list-remote-dns-hosts 143.198.xxx.169 27610 dns-cluster admin dns-cluster no 2022-07-08

V-sync-remote-dns Bump (is that allowed)?