[v1.3.3]RoundCube dont work and PHP 8.0 interpreter not show

I have a problem. When i go to roundcoube https://mail.cover4u.pl i see this:

| | Author: Aleksander Machniak | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ // include environment require_once 'program/include/iniset.php'; // init application, start session, init output class, etc. $RCMAIL = rcmail::get_instance(0, $GLOBALS['env']); // Make the whole PHP output non-cacheable (#1487797) $RCMAIL->output->nocacheing_headers(); $RCMAIL->output->common_headers(!empty($_SESSION['user_id'])); // turn on output buffering ob_start(); // check if config files had errors if ($err_str = $RCMAIL->config->get_error()) { rcmail::raise_error(array( 'code' => 601, 'type' => 'php', 'message' => $err_str), false, true); } // check DB connections and exit on failure if ($err_str = $RCMAIL->db->is_error()) { rcmail::raise_error(array( 'code' => 603, 'type' => 'db', 'message' => $err_str), false, true); } // error steps if ($RCMAIL->action == 'error' && !empty($_GET['_code'])) { rcmail::raise_error(array('code' => hexdec($_GET['_code'])), false, true); } // check if https is required (for login) and redirect if necessary if (empty($_SESSION['user_id']) && ($force_https = $RCMAIL->config->get('force_https', false))) { // force_https can be true, , :, if (!is_bool($force_https)) { list($host, $port) = explode(':', $force_https); if (is_numeric($host) && empty($port)) { $port = $host; $host = ''; } } if (!rcube_utils::https_check($port ?: 443)) { if (empty($host)) { $host = preg_replace('/:[0-9]+$/', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } if ($port && $port != 443) { $host .= ':' . $port; } header('Location: https://' . $host . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit; } } // trigger startup plugin hook $startup = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('startup', array('task' => $RCMAIL->task, 'action' => $RCMAIL->action)); $RCMAIL->set_task($startup['task']); $RCMAIL->action = $startup['action']; // try to log in if ($RCMAIL->task == 'login' && $RCMAIL->action == 'login') { $request_valid = $_SESSION['temp'] && $RCMAIL->check_request(); $pass_charset = $RCMAIL->config->get('password_charset', 'UTF-8'); // purge the session in case of new login when a session already exists if ($request_valid) { $RCMAIL->kill_session(); } $auth = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('authenticate', array( 'host' => $RCMAIL->autoselect_host(), 'user' => trim(rcube_utils::get_input_value('_user', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST)), 'pass' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_pass', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST, true, $pass_charset), 'valid' => $request_valid, 'cookiecheck' => true, )); // Login if ($auth['valid'] && !$auth['abort'] && $RCMAIL->login($auth['user'], $auth['pass'], $auth['host'], $auth['cookiecheck']) ) { // create new session ID, don't destroy the current session // it was destroyed already by $RCMAIL->kill_session() above $RCMAIL->session->remove('temp'); $RCMAIL->session->regenerate_id(false); // send auth cookie if necessary $RCMAIL->session->set_auth_cookie(); // log successful login $RCMAIL->log_login(); // restore original request parameters $query = array(); if ($url = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_url', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST)) { parse_str($url, $query); // prevent endless looping on login page if ($query['_task'] == 'login') { unset($query['_task']); } // prevent redirect to compose with specified ID (#1488226) if ($query['_action'] == 'compose' && !empty($query['_id'])) { $query = array('_action' => 'compose'); } } // allow plugins to control the redirect url after login success $redir = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('login_after', $query + array('_task' => 'mail')); unset($redir['abort'], $redir['_err']); // send redirect $OUTPUT->redirect($redir, 0, true); } else { if (!$auth['valid']) { $error_code = rcmail::ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST; } else { $error_code = is_numeric($auth['error']) ? $auth['error'] : $RCMAIL->login_error(); } $error_labels = array( rcmail::ERROR_STORAGE => 'storageerror', rcmail::ERROR_COOKIES_DISABLED => 'cookiesdisabled', rcmail::ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST => 'invalidrequest', rcmail::ERROR_INVALID_HOST => 'invalidhost', rcmail::ERROR_RATE_LIMIT => 'accountlocked', ); $error_message = !empty($auth['error']) && !is_numeric($auth['error']) ? $auth['error'] : ($error_labels[$error_code] ?: 'loginfailed'); $OUTPUT->show_message($error_message, 'warning'); // log failed login $RCMAIL->log_login($auth['user'], true, $error_code); $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('login_failed', array( 'code' => $error_code, 'host' => $auth['host'], 'user' => $auth['user'])); if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { $RCMAIL->kill_session(); } } } // end session else if ($RCMAIL->task == 'logout' && isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { $RCMAIL->request_security_check(rcube_utils::INPUT_GET | rcube_utils::INPUT_POST); $userdata = array( 'user' => $_SESSION['username'], 'host' => $_SESSION['storage_host'], 'lang' => $RCMAIL->user->language, ); $OUTPUT->show_message('loggedout'); $RCMAIL->logout_actions(); $RCMAIL->kill_session(); $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('logout_after', $userdata); } // check session and auth cookie else if ($RCMAIL->task != 'login' && $_SESSION['user_id']) { if (!$RCMAIL->session->check_auth()) { $RCMAIL->kill_session(); $session_error = 'sessionerror'; } } // not logged in -> show login page if (empty($RCMAIL->user->ID)) { if ($session_error || $_REQUEST['_err'] === 'session' || ($session_error = $RCMAIL->session_error())) { $OUTPUT->show_message($session_error ?: 'sessionerror', 'error', null, true, -1); } if ($OUTPUT->ajax_call || $OUTPUT->get_env('framed')) { $OUTPUT->command('session_error', $RCMAIL->url(array('_err' => 'session'))); $OUTPUT->send('iframe'); } // check if installer is still active if ($RCMAIL->config->get('enable_installer') && is_readable('./installer/index.php')) { $OUTPUT->add_footer(html::div(array('id' => 'login-addon', 'style' => "background:#ef9398; border:2px solid #dc5757; padding:0.5em; margin:2em auto; width:50em"), html::tag('h2', array('style' => "margin-top:0.2em"), "Installer script is still accessible") . html::p(null, "The install script of your Roundcube installation is still stored in its default location!") . html::p(null, "Please **remove** the whole installer folder from the Roundcube directory because these files may expose sensitive configuration data like server passwords and encryption keys to the public. Make sure you cannot access the [installer script](https://mail.cover4u.pl/"./installer//") from your browser.") )); } $plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('unauthenticated', array( 'task' => 'login', 'error' => $session_error, // Return 401 only on failed logins (#7010) 'http_code' => empty($session_error) && !empty($error_message) ? 401 : 200 )); $RCMAIL->set_task($plugin['task']); if ($plugin['http_code'] == 401) { header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); } $OUTPUT->send($plugin['task']); } else { // CSRF prevention $RCMAIL->request_security_check(); // check access to disabled actions $disabled_actions = (array) $RCMAIL->config->get('disabled_actions'); if (in_array($RCMAIL->task . '.' . ($RCMAIL->action ?: 'index'), $disabled_actions)) { rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 404, 'type' => 'php', 'message' => "Action disabled"), true, true); } } // we're ready, user is authenticated and the request is safe $plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('ready', array('task' => $RCMAIL->task, 'action' => $RCMAIL->action)); $RCMAIL->set_task($plugin['task']); $RCMAIL->action = $plugin['action']; // handle special actions if ($RCMAIL->action == 'keep-alive') { $OUTPUT->reset(); $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('keep_alive', array()); $OUTPUT->send(); } else if ($RCMAIL->action == 'save-pref') { include INSTALL_PATH . 'program/steps/utils/save_pref.inc'; } // include task specific functions if (is_file($incfile = INSTALL_PATH . 'program/steps/'.$RCMAIL->task.'/func.inc')) { include_once $incfile; } // allow 5 "redirects" to another action $redirects = 0; while ($redirects < 5) { // execute a plugin action if (preg_match('/^plugin\./', $RCMAIL->action)) { $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_action($RCMAIL->action); break; } // execute action registered to a plugin task else if ($RCMAIL->plugins->is_plugin_task($RCMAIL->task)) { if (!$RCMAIL->action) $RCMAIL->action = 'index'; $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_action($RCMAIL->task.'.'.$RCMAIL->action); break; } // try to include the step file else if (($stepfile = $RCMAIL->get_action_file()) && is_file($incfile = INSTALL_PATH . 'program/steps/'.$RCMAIL->task.'/'.$stepfile) ) { // include action file only once (in case it don't exit) include_once $incfile; $redirects++; } else { break; } } if ($RCMAIL->action == 'refresh') { $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('refresh', array('last' => intval(rcube_utils::get_input_value('_last', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC)))); } // parse main template (default) $OUTPUT->send($RCMAIL->task); // if we arrive here, something went wrong rcmail::raise_error(array( 'code' => 404, 'type' => 'php', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Invalid request"), true, true);

and second problems, after update to 1.3.3 i not show php 8.0 in php interpreter

So that PHP is basically the index.php file for your roundcube installation. Which means instead of executing the PHP code, its just displaying it as a text file.

What are your domain settings for mail.cover4u.pl ? Is it set up to use PHP 8, which isn’t installed. What happens if you change it to another PHP version? 7.3 for example?

What is in /etc/php/php{version}/fpm/pool.d/mail.cover4u.pl.conf

Check for all versions. If the file doesn’t exist in one of the directories, then that’s your problem.

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mail.cover4u.pl is not subdomains, this is alias for domain cover4u.pl. Basic config hestia.
I don’t have this files in any php, but i find in /home/user/conf/mail this

<VirtualHost ip:8080>
    ServerName webmail.cover4u.pl
    ServerAlias mail.cover4u.pl
    Alias / /var/lib/roundcube/
    Alias /error/ /home/slavko/web/cover4u.pl/document_errors/
    #SuexecUserGroup slavko slavko

    IncludeOptional /home/slavko/conf/mail/cover4u.pl/apache2.forcessl.conf*

    <Directory "/usr/share/tinymce/www/">
      Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
      AllowOverride None
      Order allow,deny
      allow from all

    <Directory /var/lib/roundcube/>
        Options +FollowSymLinks
        # This is needed to parse /var/lib/roundcube/.htaccess. See its
        # content before setting AllowOverride to None.
        AllowOverride All
        order allow,deny
        allow from all

    # Protecting basic directories:
    <Directory /var/lib/roundcube/config>
            Options -FollowSymLinks
            AllowOverride None
    <Directory /var/lib/roundcube/temp>
            Options -FollowSymLinks
            AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Deny from all

    <Directory /var/lib/roundcube/logs>

Mayby in this problem?