Version 1.2.0 Release Candidate 2

According planning today.

Hi all,
is good idea to install this RC to production server by


will i have problem to update it on official release?
or is better to wait for official release?

@Andy, please wait if possible as we’re making some last minute adjustments to the File Manager functionality to improve reliability during installation.


I just installed it on my local one (debian 10 with Hestia 1.1.1) as follows (as per 1st post):

sudo dpkg -i hestia_1.2.0_amd64.deb

no issues during the installation process.

File Manager ( didn’t work immediately.
I have installed it as per post # 34:
bash /usr/local/hestia/install/deb/filemamanger/

I didn’t find any other issues so far. All seems to work well.

Only thing I am wondering: it seems many settings are resetted, e.g. php options… Was it your goal ?

Thank you !!!

Can define what options you got set back? If you manualy adjustet the configs in /home/user/conf they get rebuilded by design.

I am sorry ScIT, I suppose I misunderstood something regarding the system configurations. On my local one, it was originally a clean Debian 10 install, where I put Hestia 1.1.1 on it and then restored my users from the live environment. I just now got it: the users have nothing to do with the system configurations. Not even the “admin” one. Right ?

And just to directly answer your question: I meant PHP configs like memory_limit, post_max_size, upload_max_size. The values of these configurations are different in my live environment comparing with the local one. I now checked it. Sorry and Thank you for your very great job !

yes, you’re right, system settings like php will not be safed in user confs.

Best way to change them on user basis is to create templates

Thanks for this hint ! I will take a look into this manual.

Just by the way, Hestia doesn’t make possible to backup remotely on ftps. I have updated v-backup-user with a piece of code to make ftps connection possible (using lftp as ftp client which must be installed additionally). Does it make sense to post it in the forum ?

Thank you for all your support !

@blockademarc, yes please feel free to share the code it would be appreciated! :slight_smile:

You also may create a pull request

Create a fork of Hestia and make you changes in a branch and then make a pull request.

We are still looking ways to improve the backup methods. It won’t make the 1.2.0 release but maybe the next one…

Got a new VPS and want to give Hestia a quick bash. Is 1.2 out of beta or shall I stick with the link in the OP?

Wait about 2 to 3 hours :slight_smile:

We are currently finishing up the last few test aiming to release 1.2.0 around 14:00 CEST / 12:00 GMT

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Much appreciated! :slight_smile:

Looks like you’re ready to rock, with latest release. :slight_smile:

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You are save to use the release now :slight_smile:

1.2.0 Is out and working

For RC / Beta users please use

apt update && apt install --reinstall hestia